Thank you for celebrating Graduation and Grade Promotion Season 2024 with us!
Please check back next year for resources for the 2025 Season.
The information below remains unchanged for archival purposes.
The Learning First Alliance (LFA) and our partners nationwide are coming together from May 20 through June 21, 2024, to celebrate students moving onto the next phase of their academic journey or the next phase of their lives. At the same time, we’re spotlighting the incredible educators and school staff who are preparing them for the future.
This May and June, public school students from across the nation will celebrate significant milestones in the form of graduation and promotions to the next grade level. These are important transitions in a student’s life. It’s true whether a student is moving from pre-K to elementary school, elementary to middle school, or high school to career, college, trade school, or the military. Kids are the future of our communities and our nation.
When we celebrate graduation and grade promotions, we celebrate our kids, their hard work, and their accomplishments, and we reinforce the incredible importance of education.
Share Your Photos!
Download a photo frame, snap a selfie, or create a post showing highlights from the school year or from graduation on your Facebook, X, or Instagram pages. Be sure to use the hashtag #WeAre2024!

Why I’m #HerefortheKids
Why I’m #HerefortheKids
America’s educators and school professionals are truly committed to helping children thrive. In every community across America, schools are partnering with parents and families to ensure all children can achieve their full potential. Check out our videos to hear from teachers, principals, superintendents and others why they are #HerefortheKids.
#WeAre2024 Supporters
AASA, The School Superintendents Association
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
American Federation of Teachers
American School Counselor Association
Consortium for School Networking
National Association of Elementary School Principals
National Association of Secondary School Principals
National Education Association
National School Boards Association