Learning First Alliance Team

Board of Directors
The Learning First Alliance (LFA) Board is composed of chief executive officers and other senior staff of each Alliance member organization. The Board meets at least six times each year to determine Alliance policy and practice. LFA is governed by a set of By-Laws.
2024-25 Board Chair:
Frederick Brown
Learning Forward
2024-25 Secretary-Treasurer:
Barbara M. Hunter
National School Public Relations Association
Immediate Past Chair:
Jill Cook
American School Counselor Association
Board members:
- AASA, The School Superintendents Association
David Schuler, Executive Director - American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
Cheryl Holcomb-McCoy, President & CEO - American Federation of Teachers
Marla Ucelli-Kashyap, Assistant to the President for Educational Issues - American School Counselor Association
Jill Cook, Executive Director - Consortium for School Networking
Keith R. Krueger, CEO - Learning Forward
Frederick Brown, President & CEO - National Association of Elementary School Principals
L. Earl Franks, Executive Director - National PTA
Nathan Monell, Executive Director - National Education Association
Daaiyah Bilal-Threats, Senior Advisor - National School Boards Association
Verjeana McCotter-Jacobs, Esq., Executive Director & CEO - National School Public Relations Association
Barbara Hunter, Executive Director - PDK International
James F. Lane, Ed.D., CEO